VLM™ (Viscous Lithography Manufacturing) is a lithography-based additive manufacturing technique that uses a transparent film to transfer material onto a build platform, where they are cured by light to form 3D printed parts.

When applied to energetic materials, VLM™ offers an innovative approach to producing high-performance components.

How does it work?


First, the material is picked up by a roller, laminated to the underside of a transparent film, then transferred to the printing area.


The build plate rises to come into contact with the recently laminated material at the desired layer thickness. Then, the UV light engine cures the material solely in the specified area to create the new layer of the object to be printed


The build plate retreats, peeling the recently cured layer from the film, while the unused material is recovered and recirculated up to the reservoir.

Key Benefits

Our formulations feature over 88% solid load, ensuring superior energy density and performance efficiency in energetic materials.
VLM technology ensures a complete chemical crosslink between layers, resulting in an isotropic behaviour and equivalent properties in XY than in Z.
Homogeneous Particle Dispersion
Particles are evenly distributed within the material, ensuring consistent performance, preventing weak spots, and eliminating air gaps, which improves the material's strength and integrity
Each part one different design
High production capacity with precise tolerances and repeatability can be achieved, enabling efficient and high-quality production of customized parts for defense manufacturing